Parent Info

Laying the foundations for our children to be confident, respectful and to achieve their potential

Communication with our school

Please find attached documents regarding how best to communicate with our school.

Home School Agreement

At our school, we believe that children achieve their best when everyone works together – teachers, parents and pupil supporting each other in partnership.

This agreement sets out the partnership that exists between Sarratt Church of England School, the parents of pupils and the pupils themselves.

Voluntary Contributions

In our recent parent survey 59% of you said you would be happy to make regular, voluntary, financial contributions to the school, to help raise funds.  As a result, we have set up  a scheme for you to do so.  If you would like to make a regular contribution, then please download the forms below, or pick up a copy from the office.

It’s important to stress that these contributions are completely voluntary, and of course will not result in any preferential treatment for pupils whose parents do make contributions. The funds cannot be used for core teaching, but they can be used to pay for much-needed learning resources, such as smart white boards, playground and sports equipment.

We will obviously keep parents updated on how this money is being spent, and will also be looking for suggestions from our stakeholders and the SPA, on any special projects that could benefit from this extra funding.

Home School Links

Education is a partnership between the school and home. By sharing and promoting core values every child develops within the supporting relationship we share. Full details are given in our Home-School Agreement.

The school is always seeking to improve the provision we offer and so we are open to any ideas parents have for us to do so.

Parentmail is available to parents who wish to receive school information via e-mail rather than paper copies. This system ensures that information is received by parents promptly and not mislaid or delayed via pupil post. Please ensure that the school office has your e-mail address.

Holiday/Leave of Absence Requests

Due to changes to legislation, Head Teachers may no longer grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are extenuating circumstances and reasons must be made clear. Good attendance is vital for every child’s edcuation and helps forge good habits for life.

If your child is absent from school because of holiday/leave of absence which has not been agreed, this will be classified as an unauthorised absence and you may be fined or legal action taken.

The school produces an annual calendar to help parents/carers book holidays in advance and to coincide with school holidays (which amount to 13 weeks each year).

Medication In School

School staff, who have been first aid trained, will only administer medication to your child if you have compeleted a MED1 Form (below). Please bring the MED1 Form and named medication to the school office.

Prescribed medication will only be administered if it has been specifically prescribed for your child.


If you have any concerns regarding your child and Dyslexia please talk to the class teacher in the first instance and Miss Byrne, the SENCO, who is also happy to discuss any concerns with you.